RECENT NEWS (see all news)
- MERTHYR 100Merthyr Croquet Club is celebrating 100 years of croquet in New Farm Park! The public are invited to join us Saturday …
- MCC’s MMC!Merthyr Croquet Club (MCC) celebrates a Mid-year Member Celebration (MMC)! Welcoming all/new/introductory members, and friends from the community (Including our club …
- GC Pennants (Div 3)Merthyr Div 3 Golf Pennants team members welcomed Twin Rivers to our club to kick-off our Division 3 Golf Croquet Pennants …

A quiet gem in New Farm Park, the club is very popular for public and private event bookings.
The club organizes tournaments for members and other players from around the region. (Golf & Association Croquet). World Croquet Day and other social community days through the year.
Info about events and activities! Find out if we busy or not for private bookings in a nice calendar.
Find match scores from the latest tournaments online! Maintained by Tim Murphy. (consider making a donation if you find the service useful for you!)